Reasons why San Antonio’s Claim to Fame? San Antonio is a city that has been in the making for hundreds of years. The city’s roots date back to the 1700s when it was inhabited by Native Americans and Spanish settlers. It became an important military outpost during the 1800s, which is why there are so… Continue reading What is San Antonio’s claim to fame?
Does San Antonio have any beaches?
San Antonio’s proximity to the ocean is one of the reasons it became such a popular tourist destination in Texas. However, if you’re looking for sandy beaches and waves crashing against your feet, you’re going to be disappointed. There are no natural beaches in San Antonio. Instead, we have man-made ones that offer just as… Continue reading Does San Antonio have any beaches?
What can you do in San Antonio in 2021?
San Antonio is a city with plenty of history, great food, and friendly people. If you’re looking for things to do in San Antonio that are truly unique then this blog post has you covered. You’ll find that there’s no shortage of activities to enjoy whether it be horseback riding on the beach or visiting… Continue reading What can you do in San Antonio in 2021?
What can a family do in San Antonio to have fun?
Every family wants to have a great time together. There are many fun things to do in San Antonio that provide memories for years to come. It is important to find what you enjoy as a family and then go from there. Here are some ideas of what you might like: visit the Alamo, take… Continue reading What can a family do in San Antonio to have fun?