What is the recommended suburb to live in San Antonio?

We are a group of moms dedicated to finding the absolute BEST things to do in and around San Antonio, Texas

It’s never easy to relocate to a new city. And finding a place to live is a big part of the challenge. When considering your choices, there are so many factors to consider: house types, neighborhood safety, school quality, and location convenience. It can be very daunting.

That’s why we’ve already done the legwork so you don’t have to. You’ve probably seen our San Antonio City Guide, which includes a brief segment on a few of the city’s most prominent neighborhoods.

This is a more detailed community guide that looks at what it’s like to live in each of the highlighted areas.

Next, we’ll look for clues in San Antonio. Beautiful, wildflower-strewn scenery, a rich past, killer local grub, and a long list of free local activities continue to attract and retain happy new residents from all over the world. We’ve included some useful information on what each neighborhood has to give in the sections below.


Cibolo is at the top of our list! Cibolo, about 25 miles northeast of San Antonio, has it all: a historic downtown, a thriving farmer’s market, and lush parks. Because of the low crime rate, residents may feel safe going to restaurants and wineries in the area. Students attend the Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City Independent School District, which has strong academic and athletic achievement, so you can rest assured that your children are getting a top-notch education.


Boerne is a little out of the way (about 33 miles) from San Antonio, but it’s well worth the trip! Boerne is the place to be, with a low crime rate, a high-performing school district, and a plethora of great restaurants and shopping centers. Take a walk through the Cibolo Nature Center & Farm if you need a break from shopping. You can hike and see a variety of wildlife. Take a look at the homes in Boerne that are waiting for you!

Timberwood Park

Timberwood Park is a small suburb north of San Antonio, about 30 miles away. Beautiful Hill Country views and plenty of land to walk, ride, and explore abound in the neighbourhoods here. Timberwood Park students also attend Comal Independent School District, which is one of the area’s best-performing schools. What’s not to like about that?


Schertz, near Universal City and Selma, is a growing city northeast of San Antonio. This suburb values culture, as shown by the numerous activities it hosts each year, ranging from summer outdoor movies to the Holidazzle in the winter. Bussey’s Flea Market, which is one of Texas’ biggest flea markets, hosts up to 500 vendors every weekend, is another neighborhood highlight. Your new house is just around the corner, thanks to the community’s 14 homebuilders.

Canyon Lake

Canyon Lake is a small town in Comal County, about an hour’s drive north of San Antonio. The popular Canyon Lake, as you would imagine, is the top attraction in this suburb! There’s plenty to do every weekend at the lake, with boating, hiking, fishing, and picnicking. Aside from the lake, the town is known for its excellent public schools and low crime rates.

Hollywood Park

This lovely suburb, about 15 miles north of downtown, has a cozy, rural feel while still being close to the busy community. With low crime rates and high graduation rates, this fun, close-knit culture provides a happy, laid-back way of life.

The neighborhood’s proximity to downtown provides access to a wide variety of services, but it still has its own set of advantages. Several parks, restaurants, breweries, and museums are all within walking distance, making this an ideal suburban neighborhood.

Fair Oaks Ranch

This lovely San Antonio suburb grew out of a dairy and granary ranch in the 1930s. The original house is now a country club and a gathering place for community functions and social gatherings. The ranch’s natural beauty has been preserved, providing the community with a peaceful, grassy landscape dotted with old oak trees. Fair Oaks Ranch is ideal for many families because of its excellent schools, low crime rates, and numerous local parks.

Garden Ridge

Between San Antonio and New Braunfels, the Garden Ridge suburb is about 20 miles northeast of downtown. The close-knit community has low crime and tax rates, as well as beautiful homes with lush green lawns. Many of the houses in the neighborhood are hidden from view from the street and shaded by big, old oak trees. Garden Ridge is one of South Texas’ fastest growing cities. The neighborhood also has views of the Texas Hill Country’s rippling ridges of wildflower fields.

Shavano Park

Shavano Park is a burgeoning suburb of San Antonio, about 15 miles north of the city center and on the fringe of the Texas Hill Country. Beautiful houses, big trees, and grassy lots characterize the neighborhood. Shavano Park is a remote, affluent city suburb that is suitable for older families. The area is healthy and attractive, with facilities for both adults and children.

Universal City

The next suburb on our list is Universal City, which is located near Live Oak. Universal City is a popular destination for military families due to its proximity to Randolph Air Force Base. There are also plenty of family-friendly attractions, such as the Rush Fun Area, an indoor amusement park with trampolines, obstacle courses, and dodgeball. The Alamo City All-Stars Sportsplex, the largest privately-owned sports complex in the San Antonio area, is also located in Universal City.

About Us – Mom to Mom San Antonio

We are a group of moms dedicated to finding the absolute BEST things to do in and around San Antonio, Texas! We are super excited to see you on our site and really hope you absolutely LOVE the information you find.  If you have any tips please don’t hesitate to reach out and let us know.  We are always finding new places to entertain our kids, ourselves and our families!

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